wholebody focusing

About Judy

About Judy Leith

My story...

My life in tatters
Anxiety, Self-doubt, fear
Breakdown of body
My soul deeply asleep
Cut off from my intuitive nature
Desperate to heal
Where it started…
A leap of faith from a ‘gut feeling’
Trusting something on the inside knows what to do
Allowing my curious / adventurous Self to ‘let rip’
Owning my fear  
Letting out the scream / river of tears
Keeping trusting my inner voice
Listening to my 'felt-sense' body wisdom
Grounded presence – anywhere / anytime
Connecting to mother earth, the sea, the space all around
Believing in Self
Giving Self permission
Affirmations from the heart
Being with the not knowing
My unwavering trust
Discovering food for the soul
Dancing the dance!


From Karen Whalen Ph.D.
'Judy is a natural wholebody practitioner and highly skilled professional trainer of the foundational practise of Wholebody Focusing and particularly, of the relational practise of the Wholebody Heartfelt Connection and Conversation. She is genuine and heartfelt, and innately knows how to guide another person to a similar experience of themselves. She is certified as a Wholebody Focusing Trainer Professional from the Focusing Institute of New York.'

Training & Experience

Experiential Training
2011: Attended the Introductory Wholebody Focusing workshop in Christchurch, NZ facilitated by Karen Whalen. 
2012 - 2014: Attended Wholebody Focusing Foundational Training workshops at Gentle Annie: West Coast and Home of Compassion: Wellington, NZ facilitated by Karen Whalen. 
Advanced Training
2014: Attended a Wholebody Focusing Oriented Therapy retreat in France with Karen Whalen and Kevin McEvenue (founder of Wholebody Focusing) where I continued to deepen my understanding of the Relational Practice of Wholebody Heartfelt Connection. 
2015 - 2018: Completed three-year Relational Wholebody Focusing Oriented Therapy training programme with Karen Whalen.

2015: Certified Wholebody Focusing trainer with the Focusing Institute of New York. 
2018: Certified Relational Wholebody Focusing Oriented Therapist with the Focusing Institute of New York.

Teaching Experience
2015: Co-facilitated Foundational Wholebody Focusing workshop and the advanced Heartfelt conversation & Connections workshop at Waikawa, Catlins, NZ with Karen Whalen. 

Facilitated monthly listening practice classes in Invercargill for the Waikawa workshop participants to offer support and deepen the experiential practice and understanding of Wholebody Focusing and the Heartfelt Connection.

Introductory Wholebody Focusing Workshops
2016 - 2018: Facilitated several Introductory Wholebody Focusing workshops in Invercargill and Gore, NZ.

2007 - 2016: Personal person-centred therapy
2017 - 2019: Academic and private practice training as a person-centred counsellor 
July 2019: Certified Counsellor:  Bachelor Social Services in Counselling 

In my Everyday Life
Wholebody Focusing is an intrinsic part of my life and I attribute my ability to be able to be fully my Self and shift blockages so I can move my life forward because of it. My commitment is to continue the practice of Wholebody Focusing to enrich and enliven my own life and also to reach out to people who are disconnected and have lost touch with the wisdom of their own living body and who struggle to cope with living on a daily basis. This desire to teach the practice of Wholebody Focusing and guide clients comes from my own struggle and a deep empathy and compassion for others from within.

My Teacher

Karen Whalen Ph.D. has been my teacher and Wholebody Focusing trainer since 2011
Karen is a Clinical Psychotherapist and Psychologist specializing in Complex Trauma.  She has published several articles and book chapters about the role of the Relational Field in supporting the healing process of the trauma sufferer. She is on Faculty at the Focusing Institute of New York and she teaches internationally Wholebody Focusing and Relational Wholebody Focusing Oriented Therapy to health care professionals, offering clinical supervision and ongoing professional development training programs.

My Mentor

Stanley Richards, ARPS, TAAP was my Person-Centred mentor from 2007 - 2016.
Stanley Richards was born in the East End of London in 1926. His early work was in photography where he later gained his ARPS, also giving a number of training courses on the psychology of photography. 
His interest in philosophy and psychology led him ‘Dianetics: the modern science of mental health’. It was one of the first fringe, alternative psychotherapies - as distinct from the original schools derived from the work of Freud, Jung and Adler. Richards was among the first students of the Dianetics Foundation in London, later becoming a member of the teaching staff. In 1954 he opened the first school in Perth, Western Australia, dividing his time between writing and teaching. 
Since the early days of Dianetics in 1950, the psychology scene has proliferated and Richards trained and practiced in a number of therapeutic modalities, among them Neo-Freudian analysis, Rogerian, Gestalt, Encounter, Existential, Primal, Transactional Analysis and Jungian therapy. The Jungian tradition stimulated him to do a university study of Greek mythology for his books. In later years he lectured at the Albany Trust, a Jungian Training Institute in Christchurch, New Zealand and published three books on Archetypal Psychology and one book on Person-Centred Counselling. Richards also gave a number of courses on Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy. He was a founding member of The Association for Analytical Psychology and was in practice for 58 years. He published many essays on his website www.map.org.nz
This remarkable man sadly passed away in June 2017.

‘Person centred therapy was the beginning of my road to recovery from being completely cut-off from my intuitive Self and has enabled me to grow as an individual. It has been, and is, a painful journey and at the same time my life is enriched, rewarding and joyous.’
Judy Leith

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